my first attempt of structuring the triangles into a hand. ive brokern a couple of "rules" so i don't think its a success but i have learned that is is possible to expand the pattern by slotting other source triangles in. ive tryed to keep that flowing nature of the previous drawings but instead of being improvised i tried to hint on the form they are tracing.
there is a major fault in my process of drawing this hand and it lies in the layering. the layered structure of the triangles is one of the most important things to create and illusion of depth and because a hand is so recognizable this is crucial to get right. I've done another drawing(below) of the layered structure of the triangle pattern as you can see the thumb is the 3-4th layer down when it should be the top or bottom. but what exaggerates this is that the little figure is the top layer making all the other fingers underneath this inverts the curve of the structure of a real hand and there fore feels unnatural.
the next move i think would be start to draw it on the computer using adobe illustrator i would be able to adjust the layering of large groups of triangles pretty easily and i would build the structure by copy and pasting the same source triangle and stretching it out over a hand image so i can get the form tighter and more specific.
as you can see ive started to add a black fill into the source triangle and some others to see how it affects the form and weather it sets it back or in front. it definitely separates it from the form even when there is a lot of them they seem apart from the pattern if i were to add colour (red) i would have to be cleverly placed and possible very limited. as well as colour i could fill it with cut up photos of the hand it self to make it more recognizable and also the shadow would increase the depth. but it would loose the graphic slick feel that i am currently creating and enjoying. i could try to add just one triangle of hand skin to give it a hint of what it is.
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